Orientation Program - 2023

Orientation Program - 2023

Orientation Program - 2023

Happy Inauguration of Annual Sports Week 2023

Happy Inauguration of Annual Sports Week 2023
"In the name of Allah, the most Gracious and the most Merciful"
ShahJalal Jamia Islamia School & College is a leading educational institution in Sylhet city. It is a brand name of schooling in education arena which was established on 26th January 1978 for the purpose of building up the future citizen of our country as well as a well-educated ideal man. It has reached to its present status facing so many obstacles and problems after the establishment. The co-operation of the distinguished educationalist and wealthy people of the society are playing vital role to keep going on the… Read More
I feel pleasure to know that our school is going to open its own website to flow of information. Through this newly opened website. The over all activities of the institution will be ensured getting new speed and accountability. I hope the website activities will be rich in information and be updated regularly.
Those who are related opening the website is thanked and felicitated wholeheartedly.
The student of this institution will be enlighten citizens by attaining quality education and their on way will be furnished one blessed with truths and morality. My heartiest good wish is… Read More
24 Feb, 2025 |
28 Dec, 2024 |
28 Dec, 2024 |
12 Aug, 2024 |
06 Aug, 2024 |
We teach student using advanced learning materials and ensure a congenial learning materials and ensure a congenial environment for connective Practice, regular test, systematic and most importantly science based activities in the classrooms targeting Academic calendar published for each year under the guidance of Minstry of Education, Sylhet Education Board. As a result this institution has been establishing its superiority both in curricular and co-curricular activities.
This institution has been able to acquire appraisal in the field of inter school & college debate, cultural competition, essay competition and education co-curricular activities.
With the combining effects of students, teachers, guidance and most importantly for the skilled management of the Governing Body.
We are determined to shape it as the best educational institution of Sylhet as well as Bangladesh Maintaining consistency in the acquired result and reputation. Our only expectation is to get the cordial co-operation of all to administer the institution and improve the standard of education.